What is ServiceM8 Phone? Does it work in Australia?

Running a small business can be hard, especially when you’re trying to manage employees, jobs, and phones. Gladly, there are lots of apps and services that can help you, like ServiceM8 Phone.

ServiceM8 phone is a phone service app for small businesses that helps them manage their calls. It allows you to have caller IDs for current customers, take calls on computers, record and transcribe calls, and other things. It is available in Australia, among other places.

We looked deeper into the details of ServiceM8 and ServiceM8 Phone, and here is what you need to know.

What is ServiceM8?

ServiceM8 is a business management app for small businesses. This app can help you manage jobs, workers, invoices, and quotes. (Source) This app can be found in the Apple App store or accessed through a web browser.

ServiceM8 is a very useful app. It offers services like information about current jobs, navigation to job sites, checklists, places to put photos and videos of the job, the current location of workers, scheduling, quoting and invoicing, records of previous jobs, and some customer payment options. (Source)

It caters to smaller businesses. It was made for trade services, like contractors or technicians, especially those who handle large volumes of smaller jobs.

What is ServiceM8 Phone?

ServiceM8 Phone is a specific service offered by ServiceM8.

ServiceM8 Phone is a cloud-based VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone service which enables you to make and receive phone calls over the internet via broadband or cellular/mobile data.

ServiceM8 Phone helps you manage your phones, direct calls, take notes, while on calls, record and transcribe calls, and help you keep track of customers’ phone numbers.

The app ServiceM8 Phone is a different app than ServiceM8, but you need to have both apps if you want to use ServiceM8 Phone.

Does it work in Australia?

Yes, ServiceM8 Phone does work in Australia. SerivceM8 is an Australian company and is based in Darwin, Australia. (Source)

ServiceM8 said on their website that “ServiceM8 Phone is available in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Canada.”

So, if you live in these places, then ServiceM8 is available for you.

What type of business is ServiceM8 made for?

We’ve said that ServiceM8 is made for use by small businesses, but what does that mean? What counts as a small business?

ServiceM8 themselves explained what they classify as a small business. They said that a small business is one with 1 – 20 workers. Of course, there is no limit to the number of employees you can have while using ServiceM8, but businesses with this range of workers are the businesses it was designed to help.

Now, what kind of business? ServiceM8 focuses on businesses that go out and do jobs and services for others, typically smaller jobs.

Here are some examples of businesses that ServiceM8 is designed to help.

  • Carpet and flooring
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Pest control
  • Locksmiths
  • IT services
  • Pool care
  • Handyman


These are just a few examples of these types of business ServiceM8 is made for, there are so many other businesses like these that can use this app.

Cost of ServiceM8 Phone

Just like most other quality services, ServiceM8 Phone isn’t free. To use ServiceM8 Phone you first have to have an active ServiceM8 subscription and pay monthly for the ServiceM8 Phone.

The ServiceM8 app itself can be downloaded for free, along with the ServiceM8 Phone app. But before you can use the app to manage anything, you need to have a subscription plan.

Subscription Plans

There are 5 different subscription plans for ServiceM8.

  • The Lite plan – $9 per month
  • The Starter plan – $29 per month
  • The Growing plan – $79 per month
  • The Premium plan – $149 per month
  • The Premium Plus plan – $349 per month


These different plans are for different sizes of businesses, depending on how many jobs you have per month. The Lite plan is for businesses with 15 jobs per month, while the Premium Plus plan is for businesses with 1500+ jobs per month. (Source) The larger plans also have extra benefits and features.

ServiceM8 Phone

Now that you have your subscription plan, you can get ServiceM8 Phone. There are two different plans for ServiceM8 Phone, the Connect plan, and the Unlimited plan. Which plan you should get depends on the size of your company and how many calls you make and receive.

The Connect Plan is the basic phone plan. It costs $29 per month. It offers you 500 minutes of call time each month. However, this does not include calls between team members, which is unlimited. If you go over your 500 minutes, then you are charged 8 cents for every minute you go over.

On the other hand, there is an Unlimited plan. It has everything the Connect plan offers, but it allows for an unlimited number of phone calls. This plan is also paid for every month and costs $99 per month.

So, depending on your company size and your workload, getting ServiceM8 and ServiceM8 Phone can cost you $38 per month (if on the lite subscription) to $448 per month in total (if on the Premium Plus subscription).

Downsides of ServiceM8 Phone

Like every service, ServiceM8 does have some downsides.

The biggest downside that we would find is that ServiceM8 phone is only available as an app in the iOS or Apple store or as a chrome extension. This means that you can only use it with Apple products or computers and laptops. It isn’t available for android phones. ServiceM8’s reasoning for this was that if they tried to make the app compatible with both Apple and Android systems, it would compromise the quality and productivity of the app.

Though they have their reasons, this still might be a negative point for some businesses, especially those whose phones or tablets are not Apple products.

Another downside of ServiceM8 Phone is that you need internet to use it. This might seem like a little thing, but it is important to be aware of.